Studies show that people who want to improve their health and physical fitness achieve significantly higher results with the help of a trainer. Our trainers will guide you, motivate you, and educate you. Additionally, we will help you be accountable and disciplined. BEyondFITness follows a multidisciplinary approach to increase the benefits of your workout.
Fitness assessments are essential in any responsible training program. Evaluation of your physical state, posture, and movement patterns will help in determining appropriate exercises for you. The initial assessment will also include a body fat measurement if desired.
We will guide you through a safe and effective program that will develop muscle tissue and improve your strength. We make sure that workouts don't get repetitive or boring. We will work with you to achieve maximum results. We will combine weights, cardio, and nutrition to give you optimum results.
Tracking your results is an important part of fitness training. To maximize your progress, we need to monitor and adjust your program regularly. This cannot be done effectively without proper monitoring and assessments. We can consistently tailor your program so that you get what you need to achieve your goals
Together, we will discuss healthy eating. If desired, we will refer you to a licensed nutritionist
We will show you the techniques to improve strength and endurance for a lifetime. You will learn valuable techniques that can be incorporated into your lifestyle for years to come.
Muscle Activation Techniques, or MAT, is used to identify the muscular range of motion, muscular imbalances, and weaknesses within the body. It reactivates disconnected or weak muscle fibers that don't contract efficiently.
The disconnection between the Central Nervous System (CSI) and the muscular system may be result from muscular stress, trauma, or overuse, and may affect all individuals from elite athletes, weekend warriors, to the elderly.
The NXPro™ is NeuX Technologies premiere product designed to maximize the potential of Interactive Neuromuscular Stimulation™ (INS) and deliver performance enhancing results. INS engages optimal fiber recruitment, contraction, and promotes circulation and cellular metabolism. The NeuX NXPro sends amplified signals to your brain through your muscles providing you with a supercharged workout – without the injury risk of heavy weights. The NXPro can be incorporated into strength training sessions as well as injury rehabilitation. Through Interactive Neuromuscular Stimulation (INS), the brain can control body movements and with the NeuX NXPro can manipulate movement patterns to decrease recovery time from trauma and prevent future injury.
With the Kinotek Technology, we can create a movement analysis through a full body scan detailed with 3D movement visualizations to show movement quality and any asymmetries within the body. Through your assessment, kinotek assigns a movement health score and creates an extensive report that includes analytics of range of motion by joint, imbalances, compensations that could lead to injury, and more!
The Kinotek Process
1. Initial Assessment- Create a full body scan with a 3D model
2. Consultation- Review results with a Beyond Fitness Kinotek specialist and create a fitness plan based on Kinotek data
3. MATRx- Work with a MAT specialist to address imbalances and make improvements on body movements by ensuring that all muscles are firing
4. Ongoing Assessment- Periodically revisit the Kinotek full body scan to track improvements in movement and adjust your specialized fitness plan according to Kinotek updates
Gina Fortuna is a Certified Specialist through Greg Roskopf's Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT). She has achieved the highest level of mastery in muscle activation techniques training, MATRx. When a muscular weakness is identified, palpation or isometrics are used to communicate with the central nervous system and jumpstart the muscular system. Improving the efficiency of muscular contractions helps ensure the appropriate muscles, which are required for specific movements, are used.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment.